Frequently Asked Questions
Why was this site published?
Every year, thousands of quality books are published. Many of those books are
published by small presses or self-published by the authors. Relatively unknown
authors have difficulty reaching the market. This site is means for current,
former and retired firefighters and other emergency services personnel who have
published to band together and reach a larger audience. This site falls under
the larger
American Heroes Press which includes
law enforcement officials, military personnel and firefighters.
Is this a commercial site?
Yes. It is supported through the sale of your books and advertising. However,
it is the property of an author who is a retired police officer.
Who is eligible to be listed as an author?
Anyone person who completed their probationary period in a federal, state or
local fire agency. This includes firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical
technicians and volunteer firefighters. There will special sections developed
for support personnel.
Is there a charge for an author to be listed?
There is no charge.
How do I get listed?
Send an email to At minimum,
include the last department with which you served and the name of your book(s).
Additionally, you may submit any biographical information or book description;
and, a photograph of you. Please submit the photograph in jpg or gif format,
don't worry about the size we will resize as appropriate. Limit your bio or
book information to 1000 words. We reserve to right to edit and republish the
biographical and book information you provide. It may become the content of
press releases, blog entries, articles, etc.
Why should I keep my contact information updated
with the website?
As this site has become more popular there are several press inquires per week.
Usually, they are seeking either contact information on a particular author, or
a subject matter expert in some area. While your contact information will never
be divulged to a third party, including the press, we often facilitate contact
between interested press and authors. We simply send you an email or call you
on the telephone and give you the press persons information. Hopefully, you'll
not only market your book, but our site!
How soon will I be listed?
It depends on the workload.
How does a firefighters business website become
Send an email to Provide your
name and department of service. Include the business name, appropriate
hyperlink and up to 300 words copy. You may suggest a category. There is no
charge. And, although a reciprocal link will benefit you in the long-run, it is
not required.
How does a non service member have their business
website listed?
For information on reciprocal links, purchasing text links or other forms of
advertising click on the Advertise with Us link in the main navigation area.
How do I suggest an author?
Send as much information as you have to
Who is the editor?
A very good question! For more information about the editor, Lieutenant Raymond
E. Foster, LAPD (ret.), MPA, you can view his CV
What a Cool Idea. Can I link to you?
We hope you do.